陳力綺(Chen Li-Chi)
波蘭卡基米日維爾基大學(Kazimierz Wielki University)
波蘭羅茲大學(The University of ?od?)語言學 博士
國際性別與語言學會(International Gender and Language Association)會員
克拉科夫語言研究促進學會(Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies)會員
2012–2016 Department of Pragmatics, The University of Łódź, Poland Ph.D. in Linguistics Dissertation Title: A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Taiwanese and Polish Humor: Casual Conversations and Television Variety Shows Advisor: Prof. Piotr Cap Reviewers: Prof. Piotr Chruszczewski, Prof. Stanisław Roszkowski
2003–2007 Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan M.A. in Linguistics Thesis Title: A Study of First-Person Pronouns in Chinese Political Discourse Advisor: Prof. Sai-Hua Kuo Committee: Prof. Chin-Fa Lien, Prof. Mei-Chun Liu
1999–2003 Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan B.A. in Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics
2016–present Assistant Professor
Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Oriental Linguistics, Faculty of Linguistics
Institute of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities
1. Practical Chinese: Basic Course
2. Practical Chinese: Chinese Script
3. Practical Chinese: Conversation
4. Practical Chinese: Listening Comprehension
5. Chinese Culture
6. Selected Linguistics Issues: Chinese Discourse Analysis
7. Selected Linguistics Issues: Language and Humor in Chinese-Speaking Societies
8. Special Linguistics Lecture: Language and Gender in Taiwan’s Context
9. Diploma Seminar
2017–2020 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Chinese Philology, The Samuel Bogumił Linde College of Modern Languages, Poznań, Poland
1. Practical Chinese: Conversation
2. Practical Chinese: Speaking
3. Special Lecture: Problems in Chinese Linguistic
4. Special Lecture: Chinese Pragmatics and Discourse
5. Special Lecture: Taiwanese Society, Culture, and Languages
6. The Theory and Practice of Translation
7. Academic Writing
8. Diploma Seminar
2013–2016 Adjunct Instructor
Department of East Asian Studies, Faculty of International and Political Studies, The University of Łódź, Poland
Courses– Mandarin Chinese
2011 Adjunct Instructor
Department of English, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Course– Introduction to Semantics
2008–2010 Adjunct Instructor
Center for General Education, Tung Fang Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Courses– English
2008–2009 Adjunct Instructor
Department of Applied English, Hsing Kuo University of Management, Taiwan
Course– English Project Writing (II
Overseas Teaching Experience
2023.08.19 (1 hour) 教育部 112 年華語教學⼈員赴任⾏前培訓工作坊 (Orientation Training Workshop for Taiwan’s 2023 MOE-Sponsored Visiting Mandarin Teachers)
Organizers: 中華⺠國教育部 (Ministry of Education, R.O.C.) and 臺灣華語教 育資源中⼼ (Taiwan Mandarin Educational Resources Center)
Topic: 教學實務及⽣活⽂化經驗分享- 波蘭篇 (Practical Teaching and Life/Cultural Experience in Poland) 2022.09.13– 2023.01.10 (8 hours)
Collaborative Teaching with Eryk Hajndrych (Kazimierz Wielki University) for The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College, Ministry of Education, R.O.C. (中華⺠國教育部大專院校學⽣雙語化學習計畫) [online] Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan Instructor– Chingya Chao
Course– Introduction to Linguistics (English Medium Instruction)
2022.09.16– 2023.01.13 (8 hours) Collaborative Teaching with Eryk Hajndrych (Kazimierz Wielki University) for The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College, Ministry of Education, R.O.C. (中華⺠國教育部大專院校學⽣雙語化學習計畫) [online]
Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan Instructor– Chingya Chao
Course– Chinese Phonetics (English Medium Instruction)
2022.02.21– 2022.06.20 (12 hours) Collaborative Teaching with Eryk Hajndrych (Kazimierz Wielki University) for The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College, Ministry of Education, R.O.C. (中華⺠國教育部大專院校學⽣雙語化學習計畫) [online]
Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan Instructor– Chingya Chao
Course– Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (English Medium Instruction)
2022.02.25– 2022.06.24 (8 hours) Collaborative Teaching with Eryk Hajndrych (Kazimierz Wielki University) for the project Design and Cross-Domain Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Interactive Supplementary Materials to Support Learning Chinese for Specific Purposes (CSP) (輔助專業華語學習之擴增實境互動教材設計與跨域實作) [MOE (Ministry of Education, R.O.C.) Teaching Practice Research Program (中華⺠國教育部教學實踐研究計畫)] [online]Project Number: PHA1100934
Project Director: Chingya Chao; Project Co-Director: Chun-Hsiao Chou
Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan Instructor: Chingya Chao
Course– Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (Augmented Reality)
Organizing Activities
2023 Organizing Bydgoszcz Online Lectures on Chinese Studies with Eryk Hajndrych on behalf of Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland in cooperation with The World Chinese Language Association, Taipei, Taiwan and Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei, Taiwan. November 25. [online] Speaker: Prof. Shu-Fen Chen (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Topic: Chinese Buddhist Vocabulary: A Cultural Bridge between Foreign and Chinese Languages
2023 Organizing Committee Member of 第⼗屆國際華語⽂教師研討會暨第⼗三 屆華語⽂研究⽣研討會 (The 10th International Teacher Symposium on TCSL/TCFL in conjunction with The 13th Postgraduate Forum on TCSL/TCFL). National Academy for Educational Research, Taipei, Taiwan. November 3–4. [hybrid]
2023 Organizing and Hosting 華語教學線上圓桌論壇(⼀):各國學⽣華語偏誤 及教學概況分享 (The 1st Online Roundtable Forum on Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language. Topic: Students’ Speech Errors and Instructors’ Teaching Experience) with Eryk Hajndrych on behalf of Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland (organizer) in cooperation with Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei, Taiwan (co-organizer) for The World Chinese Language Association, Taipei, Taiwan (sponsor). March 17–18. [online]
2022 Organizing the Panel (Pride in Asia: Negotiating Ideologies, Localness, and Alternative Futures) with Benedict J. L. Rowlett and Christian Go in The 28th Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference. The University of Catania, Sicily, Italy. May 25–27. [hybrid]
2022 Organizing Sinologists in Bydgoszcz: The 1st International Conference on Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture with Anna Sroka-Grądziel and Eryk Hajndrych. Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland. May 13–14. [online]
Two Invited Talks (financially supported by the Center for Chinese Studies, National Central Library, Taiwan)
Speaker: Prof. Chinfa Lien (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Topic: Pinning Down the Multiple Senses of ‘One’ in Taiwanese Southern Min 4
Speaker: Dr. Zhengdao Ye (The Australian National University, Australia)
Topic: Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) as a Heuristic Tool for Interpreting Invisible Culture: Theory and Application to Teaching and Learning Chinese as an Additional Language
2021 Organizing the Panel (The Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Practices of Gay Roles, Gay Characters, and Gay Men: A Multimodal Perspective) with Chie YamaneYoshinaga and Eryk Hajndrych in The 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland. June 27–July 2. [online]
2019 Organizing the Panel (A Socio-Pragmatic and Cultural Study of Japanese Comics, Animations and Picture Books) with Eryk Hajndrych in The Inaugural Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology: Revitalization and Representation. The Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia. January 23–26.
2017 Organizing the Panel (Linguistic Pragmatics in the Context of Taiwan: A Comprehensive Look at Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Issues) in The 8th Łódź International Symposium: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics. The University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland. May 15–17. 2014 Co-Organizer, Translator, and Interpreter of the Taiwan-Poland Culture Exchange Program between The Taichiang Campus of Tainan Community University, Taiwan and The Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland (financially supported by the Tainan City Government and the Tsao-Huang Temple)
Military Service
2007–2008 Substitute Services Draftee of the Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, R.O.C.
a. Taiwan Kaohsiung Prison, Taiwan, worked in the Security and Control Section and helped update the English version of the Prison website (2007.07.30– 2008.06.30)
b. Taiwan Zihciang Minimum-Security Prison, Taiwan, received specialized training (2007.07.01–2007.07.27)
c. The Cheng Gong Ling Recruitment and Training Center, Taiwan, received foundation military training (2007.05.31–2007.06.28)
International Gender and Language Association [Member]
台灣 ACG 研究學會 (Taiwan Association for ACG Studies) [International Member]
The Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies [Member]
世界華語⽂教育學會 (World Chinese Language Association) [Life Member]
Awards, Grants, and Honors
2023 112 年度國家科學及技術委員會⼈⽂及社會科學研究海外⼈才培育計畫獎助 (2023 National Science and Technology Council Taiwanese Overseas Pioneers Grants (TOP Grants) for New Scholars) [Total grant amount: NT$ 600,000]
2022 Nagroda indywidualna III stopnia za osiągnięcia naukowe w roku 2021 (UKW Rector’s Award (Third-Class Award) for Scientific Achievements in 2021)
2017 Grant from Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, mobility grants for collecting source materials during 2017.07.09–2017.07.16 [Destination: Tokyo, Japan; Total grant amount: US$ 1,500; Project Number: MG002-N-16]
2016 Paper selected as one of the Finalists to compete for the Young Scholar Award at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, held by Beijing Language and Culture University, China. 2016.07.17– 2016.07.19 [Awarded a travel subsidy of around US$ 500] 2006 Grant from Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, travel grants for doctoral and master’s students for short-term training or participation in international conferences [Destination: Łódź, Poland; Total grant amount: NT$ 80,800]
2003 Honorary Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the R.O.C.
Special Trainings and Teaching Qualifications
2023 華測會⼝語快篩系統評分研習 (3-Hour Workshop on Scoring the Speaking Test of the TOCFL Speedy Screening System), Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency – Huayu, Taiwan (2023.01.07) [online]
2021 Lavender Languages Institute, Florida Atlantic University, USA. [online] (2021.06.14–2021.06.25)
2019 華語教學工作坊 (Chinese Language Teaching Workshop), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (2019.04.04–2019.04.05)
2007 替代役管理幹部儲訓班第 24 期 (Training Program for Administrative Cadre), 法務部矯正⼈員訓練所 (Training Institute for Correctional Officers, Ministry of Justice), Taiwan (2007.11.05–2007.11.16)
2005 華語⽂師資培訓班第 3 期 (105-Hour Training Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language), Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan and the World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan (2005.07.02–2005.08.28)
UKW Services
2023.09.22 Topic: 波蘭⽣活及⽂化經驗分享 (My Life and Cultural Experience in Poland) [Talk in Chinese], Taipei Municipal Fuxing High School, Taipei, Taiwan 2023.09.20 Topic: Indexical Disjuncture, Queer Humour and Sexual Identity [Talk in English], Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2023.04.21 Topic: Indexical Disjuncture, Queer Humour and Sexual Identity [Online Talk in English], NTU CBE Eng-lite Program, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2022.12.09 Topic: Wit and Humor in Chinese Characters [Talk in English], Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies and The Imprint of Civilization: Ancient Books from the National Central Library, Taiwan, an exhibition organized by the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan and the National Library of Poland, Warsaw, Poland
2022.11.21 Invited Participant of 歐洲華語教學系列:跨⽂化溝通與理解(三) (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Europe: An Intercultural Perspective III) [Online Discussion in Chinese],華⽂碩博⾼教深耕計畫 (Higher Education Sprout Project for M.A. and Ph.D. Students of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language), National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
2021.11.16 Topic: 波蘭境內大學的華語教學現況及相關議題討論 (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Poland and Related Issues) [Online Talk in Chinese], Interdisciplinary Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Language Center, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 2021.09.28 Topic: 波蘭境內大學的華語教學現況及相關議題討論 (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Poland and Related Issues) [Online Talk in Chinese], International Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
2021.09.23 Topic: 波蘭境內大學的華語教學現況及相關議題討論 (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Poland and Related Issues) [Online Talk in Chinese], Interdisciplinary Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan
2021.05.28 Topic: Taiwanese and Polish Humor: A Cross-Cultural Perspective [Talk in English]. Invited Online Talk at 2021 Taiwanese-Czech Young Scholars’ Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan and Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia
2021.02.28 Topic: Wúlítóu ‘Nonsense’ in Stephen Chow’s Hong Kongese Farces and Taiwanese Verbal Interactions [Talk in English]. Invited Online Talk at Sinowarsztaty (2021.02.27-2021.02.28)
2019.12.23 Topic: Taiwanese and Polish Humor: A Cross-Cultural Comparison [Talk in Chinese], Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan
2019.07.28 Topic: Taiwanese Humor: A Socio-Pragmatic Perspective [Talk in English]. Invited Talk at a Workshop (Current Topics in Asian Linguistics, 2019.07.27– 2019.07.28), Kobe Academic Park Association for the Promotion of InterUniversity Research and Exchange, Kobe, Japan
2018.09.26 Topic: 波蘭華語學習⾵潮-以波蘭大學之現況為例 (A Boom in Learning Mandarin in Poland–Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language at Polish Universities) [Talk in Chinese], Language Center, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018.09.18 Topic: Polish Humor: An Interactional Linguistic Account of Other-Deprecating Humor on Kuba Wojewódzki) [Talk in Chinese], Department of Applied Chinese 8 and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018.09.17 Topic: 外語系學⽣的新出路:對外華語教學 (A New Course Open to ForeignLanguages Majors: Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) [Talk in Chinese], Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2018.09.17 Topic: 波蘭留學⽣活經驗談 (Experience as a Foreign Student in Poland) [Talk in Chinese], Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017.12.08 Topic: A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Wúlítóu ‘Nonsense’ in Taiwanese Verbal Interactions [Talk in English], Institute of Psychology, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2017.09.21 Topic: 關於波蘭及波蘭華語教學⼆三事 (About Poland and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Poland) [Talk in Chinese], Department of Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Yuan-Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
UKW Services
2023–present Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
2022–present Member of the Publications Committee of the Faculty of Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Other Services
2023.01– present Member of the Editorial Committee of 華⽂世界 (The World of Chinese Language)
2022.09– 2025.08 Member of the Board of Directors of 世界華語⽂教育學會 (World Chinese Language Association)
《臺、波幽默的社會語用學研究》(Taiwanese and Polish Humor: A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017)
編有《當代漢語語言、文學及文化研究論叢(第一輯)》(Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture Vol. 1, Kazimierz Wielki University Press, 2022)
《華文世界》、《中國社會語言學》、《性別與語言》(Gender and Language)、《話語和通訊》(Discourse & Communication)、《圖像小說及漫畫研究期刊》(Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics)、《影像[與]敘事》(Image [&] Narrative)、《同心圓:語言學研究》(Concentric: Studies in Linguistics)、《羅茲語用學研究論文》(Lodz Papers in Pragmatics)、《社會語言學》(Socjolingwistyka)等