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王萸芳 (Wang, Yu-Fang)













  • 語法學

  • 語篇分析研究

  • 研究方法


國立臺灣師範大學英語研究所博士  1992/ 09至1996 /06

私立輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士  1985/ 09至1988 /06

國立中山大學外文系學士  1981/ 09至1985 /06


國立高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所副教授  2004/08-2007/01

臺灣華語教師學會監事  2007/01至2009/12

臺灣語言學會學術組理事  2003/01至2007/12

私立靜宜大學英文系副教授  1996/ 08至 2004/07

國立臺灣大學資訊工程研究所研究助理  1991/ 08至1992 /07

私立中台醫專共同英文科講師  1989/ 08至1990 /07

私立輔仁大學語言學研究所助教  1988/ 08 至1989 /07

Publication List (著作)

Journal Papers/Articles (期刊論文)

Wang, Yu-Fang* and Miao-Ling Hsieh. 1996. A Syntactic Study of the Chinese Negative Polarity Item Renhe. In Cahiers de Linguistique-Asie Orientale 25 (1): 35-62. Paris, France.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 1999. The Information Sequences of Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese Conversation.  Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27(2):45-89.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 2002. The Preferred Information Sequences of Adverbial Linking in Mandarin Chinese Discourse. Text 22 (1): 141-172. Mouton de Gruyter.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Aya Katz and Zhi-hua Chen. 2003. Thinking as saying—Shuo (‘say’) in Taiwan Mandarin conversation and BBS talk. Language Sciences 25:457-488.


Wang, Yu-Fang* and Pi-Hua Tsai. 2003. An empirical study on compliments and compliment responses in Taiwan Mandarin Conversation. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 29.2:118-156. English Department at National Taiwan Normal University.


Wang, Yu-Fang* and Pi-Hua Tsai. 2005. “Hao” in Chinese Spoken Discourse: Relevance and Coherence. Language Sciences 27:215-243.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 2005. From lexical to pragmatic meaning: Contrastive markers in spoken Chinese discourse. Text 25(4):469-518.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 2006. The information structure of adverbial clauses in Chinese discourse. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 4.1:49-88.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai and Meng-Ying Lin. 2007. From Informational to Emotive Use: Meiyou (‘No’) as a discourse marker in Taiwan Mandarin Conversation. Discourse Studies 9(5):677-701.


Wang, Yu-Fang* and Pi-Hua Tsai. 2007. Textual and contextual contrast connection: A study of Chinese contrastive markers across different text types. Journal of Pragmatics 39:1775-1815.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 2008. Beyond negation—The discourse-pragmatic functions of meiyou and bushi. Language Sciences 30: 679-713.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai and Ya-Ting Yang. 2010. Objectivity, Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity: Evidence from Qishi (‘actually’) and Shishishang (‘in fact’) in Spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 42:705-727.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai, David Goodman and Meng-Ying Lin. 2010. Agreement, acknowledgement, and alignment: The discourse-pragmatic functions of hao and dui in Taiwan Mandarin conversation. Discourse Studies 12(2):241-267.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, David Goodman, Shih-Yao Chen and Yi-Hsuan Hsiao. 2011. Making claims and counterclaims through factuality: The examples of Mandarin Chinese qishi (‘actually’) and shishishang (‘in fact’) in spoken institutional settings. Discourse Studies 13(2):235-262.


Shyu, Shu-ing, Wang, Yu-Fang*, and Zhi-jie, Lin. 2013. An Approximation to Secondary Predication Structure: A Case of V-qilai in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 14(4): 701-736.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Mei-Chi Tsai, Wayne Schams, and Chi-Ming Yang. 2013. Restrictiveness, exclusivity, adversativity, and mirativity: Mandarin Chinese zhishi as an affective diminutive marker in spoken discourse. Chinese Language and Discourse 4.2:181-228.


Chen, Li-min & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2013. A study of compliment response strategies employed by vocational high school students in Taiwan. Chung Hsing Journal of the Humanities 51:227-254.


Wang, Yu-Fang*, Jyun-gwang Chen, David Treanor and Hsun-Ming Hsu. 2014. Exclusivity, contingency, exceptionality and (un)desirability: A corpus-based study of Chinese chufei (‘unless’) in spoken and written discourse. Language & Communication 37:40-59.


Wang*, Yu-Fang, Pi-Hua Tsai, Hsun-Ming Hsu and Kai-Ming Hu. 2014. 華語否則類短語的篇章與人際功能探究 (A Corpus-based Study of the Textual and Interpersonal Functions of Mandarin Chinese (Yao)buran, Yaobu, and Fouze). Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language (《臺灣華語教學研究》), 9(2): 31-65.


Hsu Hsun-Ming, Yu-Fang Wang* & Kai-Ming Hu. 2015. Direct and Indirect Conditionals: A Corpus-based Study of Chinese Yaoshi and Yaobushi in Spoken and Written Discourse. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 13(2): 31-76.


Lü, Pi-Hsia, Victoria D. Rau & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2015. Secretarial needs in a bicultural academic office. The Asian ESP Journal, 2(2): 8-39.


Lin, Ming-Fang, Miao-Hsia Chang & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2019 (on line) “How Dare You Have Another Relationship!”: An Analysis of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Corrections. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL)


Wang*, Yu-Fang, Shyu, Shu-ing & Wayne Schams. 2020. Mandarin Chinese buguo (‘but’) as a metacoherence marker in TV/radio interview talks. Language and Linguistics 21.1: 104-144.


Hsieh, Miao-Ling & Wang*, Yu-Fang. 2020. Acquiring the Polysemous adverb HAI in Chinese by English-speaking, Japanese-speaking, and Korean-speaking CSL learners. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 46.2.


Wang*, Yu-Fang, Jyun-Gwang Chen & Chen-Shin Lin. 2020. A Study of Chinese concessive conditionals in written discourse: A Construction Grammar theoretical account (從構式語法理論探究漢語讓步條件句之篇章特徵). Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (《華語文教學研究》) 17(2):131-166.


Lin, Ming-Fang & Wang*, Yu-Fang. Developing Email Pragmatic Competence for Specific Purposes in Rural Taiwan: Course Design and Learners’ Perception. Taiwan International ESP Journal 11.1:40-72.


Lin, Ming-Fang & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2022. Effects of Pragmatic Instruction on EFL Teenagers’ Apologetic Email Writing: Comprehension, Production, and Cognitive Processes. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), 60(3), 759-797.


Hsieh, Miao-Ling & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2021. The Copular Verb Matters: L2 Acquisition of Chinese Haishi ‘still+be’ by English, Japanese and Korean Learners. Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language (《臺灣華語教學研究》) 22:35-68. 


Lin, Ming-Fang, Chang, Miao-Hsia, & Wang, Yu-Fang*. 2021. “How Dare You Have Another Relationship!”: An analysis of cross-cultural and interlanguage corrections. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 59(4), 449-489.


Wang*, Yu-Fang, Ming-Fang Lin, David Treanor and I-Ni Tsai. (To appear). Disagreements in Casual Taiwanese Mandarin Conversations: A Gender-based Study. Journal of Pragmatics.


Wang, Yu-Fang, Chen-chun E, Hsiu-Jen Cheng & Ai Katsurada. 2023. Error analysis of hàn (和) and gēn (跟) in CSL learners’ writings produced by English, Japanese, and Korean native speakers and its pedagogical suggestions (〈英日韓為母語的學習者使用華語「和」與「跟」之偏誤分析〉). 《臺大華語文學習與科技》,3卷1期,頁21-63。


Wang, Yu-Fang, Schams, Wayne, Lin, Ming-Fang, & Chen, Shih-Yao. (2023). Conversational uses of Mandarin Chinese buran (‘not so’) in casual conversations. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. [Accepted June 27, 2023]


Book Chapters (專書論文)

Wang, Yu-Fang. 1996. The Functions of Ranhou in Chinese Oral Discourse. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the Seventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, pp. 379-397, Vol. 2, GSIL Publications, Univ. of Southern California.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 1997. How Mandarin Chinese Use Temporal Clauses in Conversation. In Proceedings of the 8th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, pp. 272-287, Vol. 2, GSIL Publications, Univ. of Southern California.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 1998. Conditionals in Conversation: A Corpus-Based Study from Chinese. In Proceedings of the 9th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, pp. 279-296, Vol. 2, GSIL Publications, Univ. of Southern California.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 1998. How Mandarin Chinese Use Causal Conjunctions in Conversation. In Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, pp. 207-242, ed. by Shuanfan Huang. The Crane Publishing Co., LTD.


Wang, Yu-Fang, Miao-hsia Chang & Chung-yin Chang. 1999. The Information Sequences of Adverbial Clauses in Written Chinese Discourse. In Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics. pp. 461-481, eds. by H. Samuel Wang, Feng-fu Tsao & Chin-fa Lien. The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.


Wang, Yu-Fang. 2002. Compliment Responses Produced by College Students in Taiwan. In Form and Function: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Shuanfan Huang. pp. 371-403, eds. by Lily I-wen Su, Chinfa Lien & Kawai Chui. The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.


何德華、王萸芳、鄭縈。 2002。〈臺灣語言學學門調查與分析—回顧與展望〉。《語言暨語言學》。第三卷第一期附冊,中央研究院。


Yang, Ya-Ting, Wang, Yu-Fang*, Lin, Huifen, and Treanor, David. 2013. How to express disagreement: A cross-cultural study. In: Tseng, Ming-Yu (ed.). Analyzing Language and Discourse as Intercultural and Intracultural Mediation. The Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University. pp.1-34.


Beeching, Kate & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2014. Motivations for meaning shift at the left and right periphery. In: Beeching, Kate & Detges, Ulrich (eds.), Discourse Functions at the Left and Right Periphery: Crosslinguistic Investigations of Language Use and Language Change. Brill, pp.47-71.


Hsu, Hsun-Ming & Yu-Fang Wang*. 2015. From hypothetical to non-hypothetical and beyond: A corpus-based study of Chinese conditional markers yaoshi and yaobushi in spoken and written discourse. In: Tseng, Ming-Yu (ed.), Analyzing Language Material. The Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University. pp.53-96.


王萸芳。2015。〈第二語言習得與語用學〉。鍾鎮城 (主編)《第二語言習得》。新學林出版有限公司,頁77-92。


Wang*, Yu-Fang & Wayne Schams. 2019. Between factuality and counterfactuality: Chinese conditionals in conversations. In: Shei, C-C. (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis, pp. 116-129. London & New York: Routledge.





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