連金發 (Lien Chinfa)
國立清華大學語言學研究所 清華講座教授
美國加州柏克萊大學語言學 博士
台灣 30013 新竹市光復路二段101號
學術榮譽 Academic Honors
國科會傑出研究獎 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council (1995、1999、2002年)
傑出人才獎 (2003-2008年)
清華人文社會講座教授 Ch (2004年起)
國科會特約計畫 (2004-2006年、2006-2008年)
台灣語言學學會終身成就獎 Life-time Achievement Award from the Linguistic Society of Taiwan(2013年)
學術服務 Service
校外:語言暨語言學編輯委員、台灣語言學學會理事(1999-2004年)、台灣語言學學會監事(2004-2006, 2008-2010年)、國際中國語言學會副會長 Vice president of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics(2016年)
Journal papers
1986. Tone merger of the dialects of northern Chinese (論北方官話的聲調融合). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 14: 243–291.
1989. Antonymous quadrinomials in Chinese (漢語的對立四字格). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 17: 263–306.
1990. Competing final systems in the Jian'ou dialect (建甌方言中的互競韻母系統). Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 20: 1–53.
1991. Phonological development of consonant clusters and medials in Ersu, Pumi, Qiang and Jiarong languages (古藏緬 語前綴和複輔音在爾蘇, 羌, 普米和嘉戎語的演變). Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 21: 281–336.
1992. 論閩方言的開合口 Lun Min fangyan de kai he kou [On the kai-he distinction in Min dialects] 出版品編輯委員會 (編輯) Commitee for Publications (eds.) 中國境內語言暨語言學 . 第一輯. 漢語方言.Chinese Languages and Linguistics I Chinese dialects. 449–483. 臺北: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 Taipei: the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
1993. Bidirectional diffusion in sound change Revisited (再論語音變化的雙向擴散). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 21:255–276.
1994a. Synaesthetic words in the southern Min dialects: their structure and change (閩南方言中的聯覺詞: 語義結構和演變). In Li, Jen-kuei, Huang, Chu-ren and Tang, Chih-chen Jane. (eds.) 李壬癸, 黃居仁, 湯志真(編輯) Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Number 2. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所論文集之二.Chinese Languages and Linguistics II. Historical Linguistics. 中國境內語言暨語言學. 第二輯 歷史語言學. 421–451. 臺北: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所Taipei: the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica..
1994b. The order of 'Verb-complement' constructions in Taiwan Southern Min (台灣閩南語'動補'結構的語序). Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies. New Series. 24: 193-215.
1996a. Lien, Chinfa (co-authored with Benjamin K Tsou, Samuel H N Cheung, Thomas H T Lee, and Jerome PH Hu) . A Survey of 25 Years of Masters and PhD Theses in Taiwan Relevant to Chinese Language and Linguistics. International Review of Chinese Linguistics. 1.12: 51-88.
1996b. 語彙擴散理論, 嚴翼相譯. 中國語文學論集 第8號. 313-324. 中國語文學研究會. 8月.
1997a. Aspects of the evolution of tit (得) in Taiwan Southern Min. In Sun, Chaofen (ed.) Studies on the History of Chinese Syntax. 167-190. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series 10. Project on Linguistic Analysis. University of California at Berkeley.
1997b. 台灣閩南語的趨向補語方言類型和歷史的研究.(Directional complements in Taiwanese Southern Min---a dialectal typology and a historical perspective). 鄭秋豫 (編輯)中國境內語言暨語言學. 第四輯: 語言類型. Chinese Languages and Linguistics IV: Typological Studies of Languages in China. 379-404. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所會議輪文集之二. Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica, Number 2.
1999c. 台灣閩南語<頭>的構詞方式 A morphological study of thau in Taiwan southern Min. 殷允美、楊懿麗、詹惠珍 (編) Yin, Yuen-mei, Yang, I-li and Chan, Hui-chen (eds.) 中國境內語言暨語言學·第五輯·語言中的互動 Chinese Languages and Linguistics V: Interactions in Language. 289-309. 中央研究院語言學研究所籌備處會議論文輯之二 Symposium Series of the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, Number 2. (NSC-85-2411-H007-015-N3)
1999d. A typological study of causatives in Taiwanese Southern Min. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 29: 395-422. (NSC-85-2411-H007-015-N3) (實際出版日期2001年6月)
2000a. A frame-based account of lexical polysemy in Taiwanese. Language and Linguistics. 1: 119-138. The Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica. (NSC87-2411-H-007-151)
2000b. 構詞學問題探索(Exploring morphological issues). 漢學研究 (Chinese Studies), 台灣語言學的創造力專號 (New Directions in Taiwan Linguistics). 18:61-78.
2001a. The semantic extension of tioh8 著in Taiwanese Southern Min: An Interactive approach. Language and Linguistics. 2.2.173-202. (NSC 88-2411-H-007-022)
2001b. (Chinfa Lien and Penying Wang) A-not-A question in Taiwanese Southern Min. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 29: 351-376.
2002a. Interface between construction and lexical semantics: a case study of the polysemous word kek4 激 and its congeners tin3 , chng1 裝and ke3 假 in Taiwanese Southern Min. Language and Linguistics 3: 569-588. (計畫代號 NSC 89-2411-H-007-050)
2002b. Depictives in Taiwanese Southern Min. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies: A Festschrift for Professor Emeritus Kuang Mei: Linguistics. 梅廣教授榮退論文集(語言篇) 32: 389-410.(計畫代號NSC 89-2411-H-007-050.)(The date of issuance of this volume is April 2004)
2003a. Exploring multiple functions of Choe3做and its interaction with constructional meanings in Taiwanese Southern Min. Language and Linguistics 4: 85-104. (計畫代號 NSC 89-2411-H-007-002)
2003b. In search of covert grammatical categories in Taiwanese Southern Min: a cognitive approach to verb semantics. Language and Linguistics 4: 379-402. (計畫代號 NSC 90-2411-H-007-32)
2003c. Coding causatives and putatives in a diachronic perspective. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 1: 1-28. (計畫代號 NSC 89-2411-H-007-050)
2003d. 十六世紀及現代閩南語指示動詞的語法化. (Grammaticalization of Deictic Verbs in 16th Century and Modern Southern Min). 國際中國學研究. Journal of International Chinese Studies 第6輯. 379-410.
2004a. 台灣閩南語‘放’的多重功能: 探索語意和形式的關係. 漢學研究 22: 391-418. (NSC 90-2411-H-007-032)
2004b (劉秀瑩、連金發) 台湾闽南话移动动词「走」的多义性及概念结构: 语义延伸的途径.北京大學漢語語言學研究中心<<語言學論叢>>編委會(編) 語言學論叢 第二十九輯 334-371, abstract 425-426. 北京: 商務印書館 Liu, Hsiuying & Chinfa Lien. 2004. Taiwan Minnanyu yidong dongci zou’ de duoyixing ji gainian jiegou yuyi yanshen de toujing (Lexical Polysemy and Conceptual Structure of chau2 in Taiwanese Southern Min: An Approach to Semantic Extension) Beijing Daxue Hanyu Yuyanxue Yanjiu Zhongxin Yuyanxue Luncong Bianweihui (eds.) Yuyanxue Luncong Vol. 29: 334-371. Beijing Shangwu Yishuguan.(計畫代號NSC90-2411-H-007-32)
2005a. Verbs of Visual Perception in Taiwanese Southern Min: A Cognitive Approach to Shift of Semantic Domains. Language and Linguistics 6.1: 109-132. (NSC 90-2411-H-007-32)
2005b. 華語名前形容詞的語義探索. 華語文教學研究 2.1.: 1-24. (NSC 89-2411-YH-007-002). (AHCI)
2005c. Families of Ditransitive Constructions in Li Jing Ji. Language and Linguistics 6.4: 707-737. (NSC 92-2411-H-007-033).
2006a. 荔鏡記動詞分類和動相、格式 (Verb Classification, Aktionsart and Constructions in Li Jing Ji). Language and Linguistics 7.1: 27-61. (計畫代號 NSC 92-2411-H-007-033)
2006b. Bong2 罔 in Taiwanese Southern Min: a lexical and constructional perspective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 34: 328-354. (NSC 90-2411-H-007-032) (AHCI)
2006c. (劉秀瑩、連金發) 閩南語感嘆句式初探. 中國語學 253: 92-116. (NSC 94-2411-H-007-007)
2006d. 《荔鏡記》趨向式探索. 語言暨語言學. 第7卷第4期: 755-789. (NSC 92-2411-H-007-033)
2007a. Grammaticalization of pat4 in Southern Min: a cognitive approach. Language and Linguistics 8.3.: 723-742. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-008). SSCI (Social Science Citation Index)及A&HCI (Art & Humanities Citation Index)
2007b 約量構式探索: 從方言比較語法入手(Approximatives: Towards Dialectal Comparative Grammar). 中國語學 第254號. 29-50. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-001)
2007c. 動賓式慣用語探索 (Idioms in Verb-Object Constructions). 中國語言學集刊 Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics. Volume II Number 1. 187-209.
2007d. (陳麗雪、連金發) 華語固定語式動物詞的譬喻分析. 華語文教學研究4.1.: 125-136. (NSC 92-2411-H-007-019)
2007e. (趙靜雅、連金發) 順治刊荔枝記肯定祈使句家族初探. 漢學研究 25.2: 245-263. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-002)
2007f. (黃漢君、連金發) Huang, Han-Chun and Chinfa Lien. 2007. Demonstratives in the Wanli Version of Lizhi Ji (萬曆本荔枝記指示詞研究). 清華學報. New Series 37.2: 561-577. (NSC 94-2411-H-007-002)
2009a. (趙靜雅、連金發). <明嘉靖刊荔鏡記>的方位成分探索. 台灣語文研究3: 93-108. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-008)
2009b. 華語中構式和詞匯屬性的互動 (Interaction between lexical properties and constructions in Mandarin). 暨南大學華文學院報 (華文教學與研究) 總第33期. 46-50, 76.
2009c. (趙靜雅、連金發). 在《荔鏡記》的感嘆與疑問之間 (Between Exclamatives and Interrogatives in Li Jing Ji). 中國語言學集刊 Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics. Volume III Number 2. 45-68. (NSC94-2411-H-007-002)
2009d. The Focus Marker si7 是 and Lexicalization of Si7 Mih8 是乜 into What Wh-words in Earlier Southern Min Texts. Language and Linguistics 10.4: 745-764. (NSC 95-2411-H-013-MY3) (A&HCI) (SSCI)
2009e. (張群、連金發). 華語隱性賓語的理解與限制 (Interpretations and constraints of implicit objects).華語文教學研究 Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. 6.1.39-58
2009f. 日治時代台灣閩南語詞彙語義研究回顧 (Linguistic Perspectives in Taiwan during the Period of Japanese Rule: A Glimpse at Studies of Lexical and Semantic Issues in Taiwanese). Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature台灣語文研究. 第四期. 79-93.
2010a. The dual function of liah8 力 in Li Jing Ji. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 38.1: 45-69. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-008) (SSCI & A&HCI) January
2010b. Middles in Taiwanese Southern Min: The Interface of lexical meaning and event structure. Lingua 120.5: 1273-1287. (NSC 94-2411-H-007-007). (Project on Linguistic Corpora and Explorations of Theoretical Issues). (SSCI & A&HCI) May
2011a. 閩南語趨向式歷時演變探索. Language and Linguistics 12.2.: 427-475. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) (SSCI & A&HCI) April
2011b. 閩南語“敢”的探索: 兼論功能範疇的階層性 (Exploring three kinds of the DARE word in Southern Min: Sidelights on the Hierarchical Structure of Functional Categories). 中國語言學集刊. 第四卷第二期. 271-283. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics. 4.1: 271-283. (「語言中平行計畫結構及介面」 (NSC 95-2411-H-007-013-MY3)與「台灣地區語料庫和語言理論探索」)
2011c. (Chen, I-Husan and Lien, Chinfa). A Diachronic Perspective on Causative Variants and Related Passives in Southern Min---Interface between Lexical Properties and Construction. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 39.2: 311-344. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-013-MY3) (SSCI & A&HCI) June
2011d. Interface of Modality and the得 Constructions in Southern Min: A Case Study of Their Developments from Earlier Southern Min in the Ming and Qing to Modern Taiwanese Southern Min. Language and Linguistics 12.4. 723-752. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) (SSCI & A&HCI) October.
2011e. Verbs of Saying Serh4, Tann3 and Kong2 in Lì Jìng Jì: A constructional Approach. Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale 40(1): 33-72. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) ERIH (European Research in the Humanities Index) of the European Science Foundation
2013a. The Polyfunctionality of Kio3 叫in Niri7 Kiann3 Ki3 荔鏡記: A Framenet-Based Approach. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. v.41.1: 170-196. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) (January 2013) (SSCI & A&HCI)
2013b 台灣閩南語情態詞的否定類型探索. 語言暨語言學 Special Issue-Min 14.2. 213-239 January (A&HCI) (SSCI) (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2013c. 明嘉靖本荔鏡記稱謂語稱代詞用法探索: 從語體角度入手. 當代修辭學 (Contemporary Rhetoric). CSSCI來源期刊. 第一期總175期. 72-79. (NSC 101-2923-H-007-001)
2013d. ‘Why’ and ‘How’ wh-words in Earlier Southern Min Texts: Interface of Inherent Properties of ‘why/how’ wh-words and their Syntactic Positions. Language and Linguistics 14.4: 633-661. July (A&HCI) (SSCI) (NSC 95-2411-007-013-MY3)
2013e. 明清閩南戲文代指構式初探(Pronoun-cum-demonstrative constructions in early Southern Min playscripts). 台灣語文研究 Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature. 8.1: 1-14. (NSC101-2923-H-007-001) (THCI Core)
2014a. The Development of Southern Min Demonstratives + Type Classifier/Quantifier Construction in the Late Ming and Early Qing Texts: From Demonstratives to Intensifiers. Language and Linguistics vol. 15.4. 495-512. July (A&HCI) (SSCI). (NSC101-2923-H-007-001)
2014b. 台灣閩南語情態詞「通」的語義句法屬性:存在、否定、情態、語氣的互動. 《語言暨語言學》第15卷第5期 Language and Linguistics 15.5: 601-612. (7月)(A&HCI) (SSCI). (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2014c (co-authored with Liching Livy Chiu) Nominal structure in Li4 Zhi1 Ji4 荔枝記 (Wangli 萬曆 Edition). Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 12.2.: 81-118. July (THCI Core) (NSC 101-2811-H-002-057)
2015a. 現代閩南語「無」的多重功能:從階層結構入手 (Polyfunctionality of Bo5 in Modern Southern Min: A Case of Its Interpretation in Tandem with Hierarchical Position).《語言暨語言學》Language and Linguistics 16(2) 169–186 (A&HCI) (SSCI). (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) January.
2015b. The condition and change of 共 vis-à-vis 合 in Southern Min with a sidelight on intra-dialectal variation. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 43.1A: 1-33. (A&HCI) (SSCI). (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3, Multicultural Studies in Monson Asia). January.
2015c. 人稱代詞稱謂語的活用──說曹操曹操就到 (Imposter Function of Pronouns and Terms of address: Speak of the Devil). 華語文教學研究 Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. 12.2:31-50. 6月. (NSC 103-2923-H-007-001)
2015d. 早期閩南語中多重功能詞「處」的探索:從方位到體貌 (Polyfunctionality of處in early Southern Min: from Location to Aspect). 東海中文學報. 第二十九期. 周法高先生紀念專號 (二). Tunghai Journal of Chinese Literature. No 29. Special Issue: In Memoriam: Professor Chou Fa-Kao. 249-268. June六月(NSC 101-2923-H-007-001)
2015e. 明清閩南戲文中詈詞的語法探索 (A grammatical exploration of Swear Words in Earlier Southern Min Playscripts). 台灣語文研究 Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature. 10.2.: 1-24.September. (NSC 103-2923-H-007-001) (THCI Core)
2015f. Interpreting 都 too1 TO in Earlier Southern Min texts. Lingua Sinica 1: 9. 1 – 18. December. (NSC 103-2923-H-007-00)
2015g. Formation of the Experiential Aspect Marker Pat4 識: Contact-induced Grammatical Change in Southern Min. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 2.2. 273-299. December. (NSC 103-2923-11-007-001)
2015h. Imperative negatives in Earlier Southern Min and their later development. Faits de Langue 46. 187-208.
2016a. Mak5 kE4乜个 and man3 øin2 瞞人 in Hakka: A historical and typological perspective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 44.1: 86-108. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) (“Monsoon Asia and Multi-Cultures Program”, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University) (SSCI & A&HCI) January.
2016b. 閩南語「免」bian2的用法初探 (The Uses of Bian2 in Southern Min). Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 9.1. 58 – 66 (NSC 101-2923-H-007-001)DOI: 10.1163/2405478X-00901006
2017. The Emergence of E5 khuan2 个款 as a Sensory Evidential Marker in TSM. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 4,2,. 173–190. December. DOI:19,1975/ijchl.16018.lie. (MOST105-2410-H-007-059-MY2)
2018a. 早期閩南語戲文中「句」的語意詮釋:語意延伸和語用推論(Interpretation of ju in early Southern Min texts : semantic extension and pragmatic inference). Tsing Hua Jouranl of Chinese Studies清華學報 48.1. : 113-141. (NSC 102-2923-H-007-001), March. (THCI一級)
2018b. 疑問和否定語式初探: 以Lexilogus (1841)的漳腔福建話為例 (Interrogative and negative sentences : a case study of Hokkienese (Zhangzhou variety) in Lexilogue (1841)) . 台灣語文研究 (Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature) 13.2.: 213-246. 十月. (THCI)
2020a. The polyfunctional na7/na2 那 in Early Southern Min and its Later Developments. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 48.1: 1-48. (January 2020) (SSCI & A&HCI)
2020b. 早期閩南戲文中「當下」語詞和其他功能詞的互動(Now-Denoting Expressions in Tandem with Functional Categories in Early Southern Min Playscripts). 台灣語文研究 (Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature) 15.1: 41 - 75. 四月. (THCI core)
2020c. Aspectual particles and event types in TSM. International Journal of Chinese Lingustics 7:2 : 270-296. December. (MOST 105-2410-H-007-043) https://doi.org/10.1075/ijchl.19014.lie.
2020d. (連金發、李毓中、鄭縈). 「佛郎機化人簿」探索:從音韻和詞彙入手. 《季風亞洲研究》第十期 37-67. (4月)(清華大學跨領域研究計畫).
2021a. 台灣閩南語「煞」的左緣化:句法與語義互動(Heading toward left periphery. Suah in TSM, interface of syntax and semantics). 中國語言學集刊. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics. 14.1: 139-151. (MOST 107-2410-H-007-029-MY2)
2021b. Some temporal Expressions in Early Southern Min Playscripts: A Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 50: 245-268 (MOST 107-2410-H-007-029-MY2)
2021c. Flavors of 拍 phah4 in Taiwanese Southern Min: semantics-syntax Interface. Lingua 260. (MOST 105-2410-H-007-043) (accepted)
2022a. Formation and constraints of scalar structure in TSM. Language and Linguistics 23.4: 710-742. (MOST 107-2410-H-007-029-MY2) (SSCI)
2022b. Interpreting the Eventive Copula 做 Tso3 in Taiwanese Southern Min. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 9.2: 155-174. (MOST 104-2410-H-007-043)
2023a. 漂流過海,隨處生根:在地和國際化. Drifting across the ocean, taking roots everywhere: loglobalization. 科技部人文司人文與社會科學簡訊. Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter. 第二十四卷 第三期. 12-19. 六月.
2023b. THE ROLE OF THE COPULA是SI7 IN THE CONSTRUAL OF FOCUS STRUCTURE IN EARLY SOUTHERN MIN. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 51.3. 611-655. October. ISSN 0091-3723
Book chapters
1987. A critical survey of the tone behavior in the Chinese Dialects. Agathe C. Bramkamp et al. (eds.) Chinese-Western Encounter: Studies in Linguistics and Literature. 61–72. Taipei and San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center.
1988a.Complement-taking predicates revisited — A case study of factives. Krenn, Heliena (ed.) Fu Jen Studies. Commemorative Issue in Honor of Peter Venne, SVD, on his 75th Birthday. 21: 129–138.
1988b Taiwanese sentence-final particles. In Robert L. Cheng and Shuanfan Huang (eds.) The Structure of Taiwanese: a Modern Synthesis. 209-240. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.
1993. Bidirectional diffusion in sound change. (語音演變的雙向擴散) Co-authored with William S-Y. Wang. In Jones, Charles (ed.) Historical Linguistics: Problems and Prospectives. 345–400. London: Longman Group Ltd.
1994a. Lexical diffusion.(詞匯擴散論) In Asher, R. E. (ed). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Volume 4: 2141–2144. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994b. Xun Zi. (荀子) In Asher, R. E. (ed). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Volume 9:5070. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994c. Typology and diachrony of reciprocals in Chinese dialects. In Chen, Matthew and Tzeng, Ovid (eds.) In Honor of William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary Studies of Language and Language Change. 281-302. Taipei: Pyramid Press.
1995a. Language adaptation in Taoist liturgical texts (道教儀禮典籍中的語言適應). In Johnson, David (ed.), Rituals and Scriptures of Chinese Popular Religion: Five Studies. 219-246. Publications of the Chinese Popular Culture Project. Institute of East Asian Studies Publications. University of California at Berkeley.
1995b. 臺灣閩南語完結時相詞試論Taiwan Minnanyu wanjie shixiangci shilun (Phase words in Taiwan Southern Min). 曹逢甫,蔡美慧.(編輯) 臺灣閩南語論文集. 第一輯: 閩南語. In Tsao, Fengfu and Tsai, Meihui (eds.). Papers from the 1994 Conference on Language Teaching and Linguistics in Taiwan. Volume I: Southern Min. 121-140. 臺北: 文鶴出版有限公司 Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.
1995c. 臺灣閩南語疑問代詞的歷史發展和方言變異.Taiwan Minnanyu yiwen daici de lishi fazhan he fangyan bianyi [The historical development and dialectal variation of interrogative words in Taiwan Southern Min] 曹逢甫,蔡美慧. (編輯). 第一屆臺灣語言國際研討會論文選集. In Tsao, Fengfu and Tsai, Meihui (eds.). Papers from the First International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan. 371-391. 臺北: 文鶴出版有限公司.
1995d. (王本瑛、連金發;Penying Wang and Chinfa Lien) 臺灣閩南語中的反復問句 Taiwan Minnanyu zhong de fanfu wenju (Neutral question forms in Taiwan Southern Min). 曹逢甫,蔡美慧.(編輯) 臺灣閩南語論文集. 第一輯: 閩南語. In Tsao, Fengfu and Tsai, Meihui (eds.). Papers from the 1994 Conference on Language Teaching and Linguistics in Taiwan. Volume I: Southern Min. 47-69. 臺北: 文鶴出版有限公司. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.
1995e. (李佳純、連金發;Chiachun Li and Chinfa Lien) 論閩南語比較式 — 類型及歷時的探討Lun Minnanyu bijiaoshi — leixing ji lishi de tantao (Comparative constructions in Southern Min — a diachronic and typological perspective). 曹逢甫, 蔡美慧.(編輯) 臺灣閩南語論文集. 第一輯: 閩南語. In Tsao, Fengfu and Tsai, Meihui (eds.). Papers from the 1994 Conference on Language Teaching and Linguistics in Taiwan. Volume I: Southern Min. 71-87. 臺北: 文鶴出版有限公司Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.
1997a. The lexicon in competing changes (競爭演變中的詞匯). In Anne O.Yue and Mitsuaki Endo 余靄芹、遠藤光曉 (eds.) In Memory of Mantaro Hashimoto 橋本萬太郎紀念中國語學論集. 117-125. Tokyo: Uchiyama Shoten 東京: 內山書店.
1997b. 建甌方言中的互競韻母系統. 曹逢甫、西楨光正 (編) 台灣學者漢語研究文集. 176-231. 天津: 天津人民出版社. (鄭縈中譯)
1998a. 台灣閩南語詞綴‘仔’ 的研究 (A study of the affix ‘a’ in Taiwan Southern Min). 黃宣範(編) 第二屆台灣語言國際研討會論文選集 In Shuanfan Huang (ed.) (Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan). 465-483. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. (NSC 84-2411-H007-016 N3)
1998b. 試論台語泛意詞‘拍’phah4. 董忠司(編) 台灣語言及其教學國際研討會論文集1: 375-390. 新竹: 國立新竹師範學院. 五月三十一日至六月一日. (NSC87-2411-H-007-151)
1999a. (Pengying Wang and Chinfa Lien). Shape classifiers in Mandarin and Taiwanese a psycholinguistic perspective. Tzeng, Ovid J.L. (ed.) The Biological Basis of Language. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph No. 13:189-221. Project on Linguistic Analysis, University of California at Berkeley.
1999b. Sociolinguistic dimensions of comparative constructions in Taiwan Southern Min: A Preliminary Report (台灣閩南語比較式的社會語言學相關面貌初探). Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph No. 14: 204-224. Project on Linguistic Analysis, University of California at Berkeley.
1999c. Place Deixis in Taiwan Southern Min. In Alain Peyraube and Chaofen Sun (eds.) In Honor of Mei Tsu-lin. Studies on Chinese Historical Syntax and Morphology. 73-88 Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sure l’Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
1999d 方言變體、語言接觸、詞匯音韻互動 (Dialectal Varieties, language contact and interface between lexicon and phonology. 石鋒、潘悟雲 (編) 中國語言學的新拓展Recent Advances in Chinese Linguistics. 149-178. 香港城市大學出版社
2000a. Denasalization, vocalic nasalization and related Issues in Southern Min: a dialectal and Comparative perspective. Pang-Hsin Ting and Anne O. Yue (eds.) In Memory of Professor Li Fang-Kuei: Essays of Linguistic Change and the Chinese Dialects. 語言變化與漢語方言: 李方桂先生紀念論文集. 281-297. Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, Taipei, and University of Washington, Seattle.
2000b. (王士元、連金發) 語音演變的雙向擴散. 刊于 王士元著, 石鋒等譯. 語言的探索¾¾王士元語言學論文選譯. 70-116. 北京語言文化大學出版社
2001. Competing morphological changes in Taiwan Southern Min. In Hilary Chappell (ed.) Sinitic Grammar: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. 309-339. London: Oxford University Press. (NSC-85-2411-H007-015-N3)
2002a. Grammatical function words 乞, 度, 共, 甲, 將 and 力 in Li4 Jing4 Ji4 荔鏡記 and their Development in Southern Min. In Dah-an Ho (ed.) Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology: Linguistic Section. Dialect Variations in Chinese. 179-216. Institute of Linguistics, Preparatory Office. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 第三屆國漢學會議論文集. 何大安(主編) 語言組. 南北是非:方言的差異與變化. 179-216. 中央研究院語言學研究所籌備處. (計畫代號 NSC 89-2411-H-007-002)
2002b (曹逢甫、連金發、鄭縈、王本瑛合着) 新竹閩南語正在進行中的四種趨同變化. 丁邦新、張雙慶(編) 閩語研究及其與周邊方言的關係. 221-231. 香港: 中文大學出版社.
2003. Semantic Extension in Tandem with Shifts of Constructions: Verbs of Commercial Transaction in Taiwanese Southern Min. Lily Yiwen Su, Chinfa Lien and Kawai Chui (eds.) Form and Function: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Shuanfan Huang. 蘇以文連金發徐嘉慧(編)語言意義與功能: 黃宣範教授語言學祝壽論文集. 153-184. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. (NSC86-2411-H-007-002)
2004a. 台灣閩南語的存在句:動詞固有意義和動相、結構的互動. 石鋒沈鍾偉(編) 王士元教授七十華誕慶祝文集: 樂在其中 (The Joy of Research: a Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y Wang on his Seventieth Birthday). 144-157. 天津: 南開大學出版社. (計畫代號 NSC 89-2411-H-007-050)
2004b. (王士元、連金發) 語音演變的雙向擴散. 黃正德等(編) 中國語言學論叢 Studies in Chinese Linguistics. 第三輯: 111-144. 北京: 北京語言大學出版社.
2004c. 閩南語白讀層次邪禪心書聲母的上古來源試探. 林英津、徐芳敏、李存智、孫天心、楊秀芳、何大安 (編輯) 漢藏語研究: 龔煌城先生七秩壽慶論文集. 語言暨語言學專刊外編之四. Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Hwang-cherng Gong on His Seventieth Birthday. 807-820. 台北南港: 中央研究院語言學研究所。(NSC 92-2411-H-007-19)
2005a. Phase and Aspect Markers in Li Jing Ji 丁邦新余靄芹(主編)漢語史研究: 紀念李方桂先生百年冥誕論文集 Ping-Hsin Ting and Anne O. Yue (eds.) Essays in Chinese Historical Linguistics: Festschrift in Memory of Professor Fang-Kuei Li on his Centennial Birthday. 393-420. 語言暨語言學專刊外編之二. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series Number W-2. 台北: 中央研究院語言學研究所. (計畫代號NSC 90-2411-H-007-032)
2005b. 台灣閩南語固定語式試論. 盧國屏,薛榕婷(主編) 開創: 第二屆淡江大學全球姊妹校漢語文化學學術會議論文集. 295-323. 台北: 台灣學生書店. (計畫代號 NSC 91-2411-H-007-019)
2005c. (Shelley Chingyu Hsieh, Chinfa Lien & Sebastian Meier) Compositionality in plant fixed expressions. In Machery, Edouard, Markus Werning & Gerhard Shurz (eds.) The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume II. Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience. 107-124. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
2005d. Phonological and Lexical Strata in Taiwanese Southern Min. In Dah-an Ho and Ovid J. L. Tzeng (eds.) POLA FOREVER Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on his 70the Birthday. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series Number W-3. 永遠的POLA 王士元先生七秩壽慶論文集. 語言暨語言學專刊外編之三. 195-225. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics: Academia Sinica.
2006a. Review of Written Taiwanese by Henning Klöter (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 352 pp. 2005) Cahier de Linguistique Asie Oriental 35.1.141-148.
2006b. (連金發、于嗣宜) 明嘉靖刊荔鏡記的疑問詞 語言暨語言學專刊外編之六 山高水長: 丁邦新先生七秩壽慶論文集 801-811. 台北: 中央研究院語言學研究所. (計畫代號 NSC 93-2411-H-007-033)
2007a. 語義問題. 柯華葳何大安 (主編) 華語文研究與教學: 四分之一世紀的回顧與前瞻. 119-132. 台北:
2007b. (張群、連金發). 荔鏡記/荔枝記多義詞『書』的探索: 以書信溝通框架類為例. 王旭、徐富美 (編) 社會語言學與功能與法論文集. 267-294. 台北: 文鶴出版有限公司. (計畫代號 NSC 93-2411-H-007-033)
2008a. 台灣閩南語的‘个’研究 ‘E’ in Taiwanese. 張郇慧、連金發、蘇以文 (合編) 一步一腳印. 鄭良偉教授榮退論文集. Step by Step. Papers in Honor of Professor Robert Liang-wei Cheng on the Occasion of his Retirement. 143-170. 台北: 文鶴出版有限公司.
2008b. (張郇慧、連金發、蘇以文) 一步一腳印. 鄭良偉教授榮退論文集. Step by Step. Papers in Honor of Professor Robert Liang-wei Cheng on the Occasion of his Retirement. 台北: 文鶴出版有限公司.
2008c. Special types of passive and causative constructions in TSM. In Redouane Djamouri, Barbara Meisterernst & Rint Sybesma (eds.) Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig. 漢語語言學在萊比錫. Chinese Linguistics in Europe 歐洲漢語語言學叢書 CLE n02. 223-237. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sure l’Asie Orientale. Ếcole des Hautes Ếdudes en Sciences sociales.
2008d. (I-hsuan Chen and Chinfa Lien). The interaction between the construction kong + topic and its thematic markers in Taiwanese Southern Min. In Redouane Djamouri, Barbara Meisterernst & Rint Sybesma (eds.) Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig. 漢語語言學在萊比錫. Chinese Linguistics in Europe 歐洲漢語語言學叢書 CLE n02. 175-190. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sure l’Asie Orientale. Ếcole des Hautes Ếdudes en Sciences sociales.
2008e. (Chenju Chen and Chinfa Lien) Transfer of possession verbs in Taiwanese Southern Min: a case study of lexical and constructional effect. In Redouane Djamouri, Barbara Meisterernst & Rint Sybesma (eds.) Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig. 漢語語言學在萊比錫. Chinese Linguistics in Europe 歐洲漢語語言學叢書 CLE n02. 191-205. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sure l’Asie Orientale. Ếcole des Hautes Ếdudes en Sciences sociales.
2009. 固定語式探索. In 蘇以文、畢永娥 (編) 語言與認知. 229-262. 台北: 台大出版中心.
2010a. 台灣共通語的詞匯重整(Relexification in Taiwanese Common Language). 潘悟雲沈鍾偉 (主編) 研究之樂: 慶祝王士元先生七十五壽辰學術論文集. The Joy of Research II: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y Wang on His Seventy-fifth Birthday. 194-204. 上海: 上海教育出版社。(NSC 95-2411-H-007)
2010b. 台灣閩南語欲求情態和否定的動態分析;競爭和演變 (Desiderative modals and negative words in Taiwanese Southern Min: A Dynamic Account of Competition and Change). In Hung-nin Samuel Cheung & Song Hing Chang (eds.) Diachronic Change and Language Contact: Dialects in South East China. 張洪年張雙慶 (主編) 歷時演變與語言接觸: 中國東南方言. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series 24. 68-88. Hong Kong: the Chinese University Press. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-013-MY3)
2010c. (Hsiuying Liu and Chinfa Lien). Exploring Set Expressions and Cultural Patterns in Taiwanese: Marital System and Sexism. In Ik-sang Eom,Yea-Fen Chen, and Shi-Chang Hsin (eds.) Perspectives on Chinese Language and Culture. 嚴翼相 陳雅芬 信世昌 (編) .華語與文化之多元觀點. 25-55. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. 台北; 文鶴. (NSC 92-2411-H-007-019)
2010d. (王士元、連金發) Bidirectional diffusion in sound change. Co-authored with William S-Y. Wang. 收錄於王士元著王士元語音論文集. 418-473. 北京: 世界圖書出版社.
2010f. (連金發、于嗣宜) 閩南話動賓語式的語意、句法、信息互動探討——以“食”為例. 陳桂月徐杰鐘奇 (編). 漢語研究和漢語教學. The Chinese Language: Research and Teaching. 96-108. 北京: 北京語言大學出版社. (NSC 92-2411-H-1007-019)
2011a. (Hilary Chappell, Chinfa Lien and Joe_lle Busuttil). Le Min. In Emilio Bonvini, Joëlle Busuttil and Alain Peyraube (eds.) Dictionnarie des Langues, 1025-1036. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
2011b. East-West Encounter: Comparing Earlier Romanized and Chinese-character Southern Min texts: The Development of Interrogative Words in Southern Min. 東西交通:早期羅馬字文獻、漢字閩南語文獻和現代閩南語語料的比較:疑問詞演變初探. In Zbigniew Wesolowski (ed.) 衛思齊 (編輯). The Sixth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium: “Early European (1552-1814) Acquisition and Research on Chinese Languages” Symposium Papers輔仁大學第六屆漢學國際研討會「西方早期(1552-1814年間)漢語學習和研究」論文集, 385-410, 411-432. 新北市: 輔仁大學出版社. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
[Chinese Version] [English Version]
2011c (連金發).閩南語微量詞構式探索. In Jung-hsing Chang (ed.) Language and Cognition: Festschrift in Honor of James H-Y. Tai on His 70th Birthday. 435-448. 張榮興(編) 語言與認知: 戴浩一先生七秩壽慶論文集. 435-448.Taipei: The Crane Publishing. December. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-013-MY3)
2011d. (張群連金發) 閩南語感受動詞驚kiann1 及其句式探索: 詞彙屬性、構式與階層結構. 鍾榮富、蔡維天、鄭縈、蕭素英、劉秀雪 (編輯) 語言多樣性: 曹逢甫教授榮退論文集. 161-173. 台北: 文鶴出版有限公司. The psych-verb kiann1 and its constructions in Southern Min: lexical properties, constructions and syntactic structure. In Chung, Raugfu, Wei-tien Dylan Tsai, Ying Cheng, Su-ying Hsiao, and Hsiu-Hsueh Liu (eds.) Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the Occasion of his Retirement. 161-173. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2012 閩南語における方位>構文>解釈. 影山太郎·沈力 (編)日中理論言語学の新展望2:意味と構文。Nitchu Riron-Gengogaku No Shin-tenbo Vol. 2. Imi to Kobun (New Perspective of Theoretical Linguistics Between Japanese and Chinese Vol.2. Meaning and Construction). 145-162. 東京: くろしお出版. 4月23日. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2013a Lien, Chinfa and Liching Livy Chiu. 2013. Shape classifiers in earlier Southern Min texts. In Cao Guangshun, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri and Thekla Wiebusch (eds.) Breaking Down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chinese Linguistics and Beyond 綜古述今 鉤深取極. 933-949. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series 50. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics. September 27. (NSC 95-2411-H-013-MY3)
2013b.〈明清時期荔鏡/荔枝記閩南方言指示詞的演變:從指示詞到程度加強副詞或篇章標記〉,鄭秋豫主編《第四屆國際漢學會議論文集:語言資訊和語言類型》,129-150。台北:中央研究院。Lien, Chinfa. 2013. Grammaticalization of Demonstratives in Early Southern Min Texts: From Demonstratives to Adverbs of Intensification or Discourse Markers. Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Sinology: Human Language Resources and Linguistic Typology, ed. by Chiu-yu Tseng, 129-150. November 29, Taipei: Academia Sinica. (NSC 101-2923-H-007-001)
2014a 明清時代閩南語特指問句的反詰用法. 石鋒彭剛 (主編) 大江東去—王士元教授八十歲賀壽文集. Eastward Flows the Great River. Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y Wang on his 80th Birthday. Edited by Peng Gang and Shi Feng. 487-494. 香港:香港城市大學出版社. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 2014/02/07 (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2014b 「物」系疑問代詞的演變:動因、歷程、層次 (Evolution of mih-based Interrogative words: motivation, process and strata) In Che-wah Ho (何志華) and Shengli Feng (馮勝利), eds.,《繼承與拓新:漢語語言文字學研究》(上冊)[Moving Forward - Studies on Chinese Linguistics and Philology, Volume I], 97-112. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. December. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3)
2015. Min Languages. The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. William S-Y Wang and Chaofen Sun. (eds.), 160-172. New York: Oxford University Press. April, (NSC101-2923-H-007-001)
2016a. 語法演變、 時間層次、 方言變異 (Grammatical change, chronological strata and dialectal variation). 漢語研究的新貌: 方言、語法與文獻 In Pang-hsin Ting, Samuel Hung-nin Cheung, Sze-Wing Tang and Andy Chin (eds.) New Horizons in the Study of Chinese: Dialectology, Grammar, and Philology — Studies in Honor of Professor Anne Yue . 83- 104. Hong Kong: T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001-MY3) November.
2016b 台閩語被動式家族初探 (A family of passives in Taiwanese Southern Min). In Andy Chin Chi-on, Kwok Bit-chee and Benjamin K. Tsou 錢志安郭必之鄒嘉彥 (eds.) Commemorative Essays for Professor Yuen-Ren Chao: Father of Modern Chinese Linguistics. 現代漢語語言學之父: 趙元任先生紀念論文集. 227-233. November. Taipei: Crane. November. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-013-MY3)
2016c Mǐn 閩 Dialects. In Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Gu Yueguo, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, and James Myers (eds.) Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Volume 3 Men-Ser 19-27. December. Leiden: Brill
2017. Human-denoting Interrogative Words in Early Southern Min : Coexistence and evolution. In Peng Gang and Wang Feng (eds.) New Horizons in Evolutionary Linguistics, Monograph Series Number 27. 130-158. The Chinese University Press of Hong Kong. (NSC 98-2923-H-007-001 and Monsoon Asia and Multi-Cultures Program, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University). April.
2018a. 語言本能的魅力 :知難言易 ---- 從「不錯吃」談起. 李旺龍 (主編) 閱讀科學大師 2. 25-42. 台南 : 成大出版社. 4 月.
2018b. second author. (Co-authored with Cheng-hung Tsai) On How to Defend or Disprove the Universality Thesis. In Stephen Stich, Masaharu Mizumoto, and Eric McCready (eds.) Epistemology for the Rest of the World. 267-278. December. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (July) (ISBN: 9780190865085)
2018c. Thirty years on : Explorations of the theory of lexical diffusion and its ramification. In 沈鍾偉, 孔江平 and 汪鋒 (編)王門求學記. 36-56. December. 昆明 : 雲南大學出版社. 十二月.
2019 多年期語言學門科技部計畫經驗分享. 人文與社會科學簡訊. 21.1. : 65- 68. (ISBN 978-0367-31357-9)
2020a. Kong2 as a verb for saying on the move in Taiwanese Southern Min. In Chinfa Lien and Alain Peyraube (eds.) Diachronic Perspectives and Synchronic Variation in Southern Min. 197-216. March. New York and London : Routledge. (ISBN 978-0367-31357-9)
2020b. (co-authored with May Wang) Purposives in Taiwanese Southern Min. In Chinfa Lien and Alain Peyraube (eds.) Diachronic Perspectives and Synchronic Variation in Southern Min. 217-233. March. New York and London : Routledge. (ISBN 978-0367-31357-9)
2020c. Lien, Chinfa Lien and Alain Peyraube (eds.) 2020. Diachronic Perspectives and Synchronic Variation in Southern Min. 217-233. March. New York and London : Routledge. (ISBN 978-0367-31357-9)
2020d. Foreword to Philippine Chinese Manuscripts in the Herzog August library. In Fabio Yuchung Lee, Tsung-jen Chen, Regalado Trota José, José Caño Ortigos and Wen-cheng Shih (eds.) Philippine Chinese Manuscripts in the Herzog August library, Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series II. Iii-vi. December. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University Press.
2020e. 奧古斯特公爵圖書館菲律賓唐人手稿序. 刊於李毓中、陳宗仁、Regalado Trota José、José Caño Ortigos、石文誠 (編). 奧古斯特公爵圖書館菲律賓唐人手稿. 閩南 --- 西班牙歷史文獻叢刊二. 三-五頁.十二月. 新竹: 國立清華大學出版社。
2021a. 形態學:細說構詞的故事. 黃宣範 (主編) 語言學:結構、認知與文化的探索. 41-64. 台北: 台大出版中心
2021b. 台灣閩南語事件性時間詞語「久」及其同類詞語的語意句法初探. 陳淑娟江敏華 (編)三十而立 --- 台灣語文學會三十週年慶祝論文集. 台北: 台灣語文學會. 12月. 219-237. (MOST 109-2410-H-oo7-067-MY2)
2022. 偌 jua7 and 幾 kui2 in Taiwanese South Min : Interpretation based on valuation. In Li-Chi Chen and Anna Sroka-Grądziel (eds.) Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture. 19-45. Bydgoszcz, Poland: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego. (MOST 109-2410-H-007-067-MY2)
2023a. 台灣閩南語存放類動靜態劇是探討. Dynamic and stative interpretation of locative predication in Taiwanese Southern Min. 陳麗君 (編) 多聲道的台灣共同體: 跨領域交織的主體性和創造性. 75–99. 台南: 成大出版社. 國立成功大學人文社會科學中心。一月. (MOST 109-2410-H-007-067-MY2)
2023b. 早期閩南戲文中主語取向的狀語 Subject-oriented adverbs in early Southern Min playscripts. 江敏華、姚玉敏 Chiang, Min-hua and Carine Yuk-man Yiu (eds) (編輯)《早期漢語方言語法》Grammatical Studies on Early Chinese Dialects.. 語言暨語言學專書系列之64. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series 64. 117-143. Taipei: Institute of Linguistis, Academia Sinica. (MOST 107-2410-H-007 -029 -MY2). 七月 July.
2023c. Variation of Southern Min Based on the 17th Century Spanish-Hokkien Dictionary: Patterns of Rime Groups in the Colloquial Stratum. In 孔江平、彭剛、沈鍾偉、汪鋒 Kong, Jiangping, Gang, Peng, Zhongwei, Shen and Feng, Wang (eds.) 高山仰止 — 王士元教授九十歲賀壽文集 Inspirations from a Lofty Mountain— Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on his 90th Birthday. 香港: 香港城市大學 Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. August. ISBN 978-962-937-673-4
2023d. In Search for the Dialectal Variants Based on the Early Bilingual Hokkienese-Spanish Dictionary. In Barbara Meisterernst (ed.) When the West met the East: Early Western Accounts of the Languages of the Sinosphere and their Impact on the History of Chinese Linguistics. Asien – und Afrika – Studien 59 der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. 15-35. ISSN 0948-9789. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag.
2023e. 多元語言生態研究: 語言的傳播交流適應和全球在地化. 刊於蘇嘉宏(主編) 西班牙時代的艾爾摩莎, 301-337. 十二月 高雄市 : 國家海洋研究院 ISBN 978-626-7280-85-0.